Title: | Elemental Heroes: A new Concept... TCG Gamebook |
Author: |
Magykyr |
Language: | english |
Genre: | Fantasy |
Played: | 29 x |
Weapons limit in inventory: | no limit |
Items limit in inventory: | no limit |
Initial character stats: |
Skill: | 5 + 2 x | HP: | 10 + 4 x | |
Initial items: |
Attack Card: Blade Level 1 (Combat points: +2 / Damage: 0) 2x Attack Card: Break Level 1 (Combat points: +0 / Damage: 0) 3x Attack Card: Blast Level 1 (Combat points: +3 / Damage: 0) |
Initial gold (Kyra): | 100 |
Annotations: |
This is a WIP but i will ty to update as much as I can. |
Degree of difficulty | easy |
average |
hard |
Originality | little |
some |
a lot |
Suspense | boring |
average |
exciting |
Variety of choices | too few |
adequate |
many |
Reading pleasure | low | average | high |
Votes: 2