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Titel: City of Thieves
Buchserie: Fighting Fantasy - Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone
Sprache: englisch
Autor: Ian Livingstone
Stil: Fantasy
Regeln: Regeln  Bilde deinen eigenen Charakter Würfelmöglichkeiten Kampfsituationen
Ausgaben: Die Stadt der Diebe
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Leicht Mittel Schwer
Ideen Geht so. Einige Viele
Spannung Langweilig Mittel Spannend
Wenig Ausreichend Viele
Lesespaß Niedrig Mittel Hoch
Stimmen: 6

Kl.text: Terror stalks the night as Zanbar Bone and his bloodthirsty Moon Dogs hold the prosperous town of Silverton to ransom. YOU are an adventurer, and the merchants of Silverton turn to you in their hour of need.
Your mission takes you along dark, twisting streets where thieves, vagabonds and creatures of the night lie in wait to trap the unwary traveler. And beyond lies the most fearsome adventure of them all -- the tower stronghold of the infamous Zanbar Bone! Part story, part game, this is a book with a difference -- one in which you become the hero! A pencil and an eraser are all you need to make your journey. YOU decide which route to take, which creatures to fight and which dangers to risk.